Robert Robledo, Media Chair

Robert Robledo is a lifetime resident of Silicon Valley and has always had some sort of professional connection with the hospitality industry (worked as a front desk clerk for two different hotel properties and was a flight attendant with Reno Air).  He is the product of local public schools and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies from San Jose State University.

Currently Robert is the Director of Audience Development & Events at the Silicon Valley Business Journal.  In this role, Robert is responsible for managing all Business Journal events, increasing the subscriber base, and promoting the Business Journal brand in the community.

He currently serves as a board member of the Silicon Valley Concierge Association.  Robert has considerable experience serving on boards, and is a graduate of the Latin Board Leadership Academy 2015.  Robert is a founding member and past President of the Rainbow Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley.  He has also worked on various events supporting the Health Trust of Silicon Valley.

When he is not hard at work or out networking, he loves to travel, is an avid gym goer, enjoys golf, wine tasting, hiking, and other outdoor activities.